How much I made from big Pharma?

Kara Wada
3 min readJan 4, 2023

I recently made a TikTok about the kickbacks that are common when recommending supplements and non-insurance-covered testing.

This is an especially common part of the business model that is taught to those pursuing functional medicine training.

As I have written before I think the heart behind functional medicine is in the right place but I am very skeptical of many of the marketing and business tactics that accompany a good number of those practicing in this sphere. To dig into this further you can read my blog about it…

But when I promote transparency, caution, and conscientious use of supplements, I am always accused by some troll of being a shill for big Pharma.

And honestly, at this point, I just sit and laugh and shake my head because…

  1. You can look up CMS’s website to see I have received a total of $25 from pharma since 2017.
    This is a result of the Sunshine Act which legally requires this transparency.
    They aren’t paying my bills, folks…
  2. Healthcare professionals & influencers promoting supplements and unvalidated testing are not legally required to report the 30–50% commissions they get from recommending particular products & labs.
  3. I work for a public institution and in academic medicine, we have to submit & update disclosure…



Kara Wada

Because even being a board-certified immune system expert didn’t spare me from many of the frustrations common to Sjogren’s Syndrome.